
How to Get Married in Pittsburgh

If you know anything about Pittsburgh, you know just how unpredictable it is. From the weather to construction sites popping up overnight, this city keeps you on your toes. These external circumstances make your job of planning your dream wedding that much more difficult. So here is our handy guide on how to get married in Pittsburgh without a hitch!

Be Weather Aware

Now, this one might sound like common sense, but if you’re from Pittsburgh, you know you have to be extra mindful of the weather. 
It rains more than it shines here in Pittsburgh, so whether your wedding is indoors or you are one of the brave souls hosting their wedding outside, the key to your success is to stay weather aware. Pro tip: the best month of the year to get married is in Pittsburgh in September! Perfectly temperate, before all the leaves fall and the cold weather hits. 

Travel Planning

Mind the 4 seasons of Pittsburgh: Winter, winter, winter, and construction. If the weather is nice enough for an outdoor wedding, there will be construction somewhere in the city. Make sure you know where that is and alert your guests. You don’t want all of your guests arriving 30 minutes late to the ceremony because the Plan A AND Plan B routes are both closed.

Event Traffic

There is always something going on in Pittsburgh, especially in the summertime. If you want an intimate and quiet ceremony, maybe that hotel ballroom overlooking PNC park is not the best place for you. Look at sports calendars, concert dates, and extensive plans for the date you want to set. If there is a concert in Uptown, a football game on the North Shore, and a Food Festival on the South Side, you might want to choose a different day.
Pittsburgh is really a beautiful city filled with tons of amazing venues to choose from. So, if you are planning a Pittsburgh wedding, make sure to stay weather and traffic-aware and save this how to guide for reference!
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